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The importance of cybersecurity in companies

Digital reality has become part of our daily lives, in our homes and also in our companies. The futuristic world that sci-fi movies have predicted for years is now a reality and for that reason it is important to know what the risks we are facing are, and to know how to minimize them.


Security of the computer systems that we use daily is vital to avoid problems in the future. In this world of information, Cyber-attacks are already a reality and the theft of this data can be critical.

Cybersecurity is one of the most important concerns for companies, since the theft or loss of data can be a big problem for any organization.

The main way that malware enters is via emails, through which spyware can enter our devices which the intruders use to gain access to our information, our passwords or even the cameras or microphones.

At Dacsa Group we try to minimize any security problems by using different security devices and tools, such as firewalls, specialized platforms against cyber-attacks, managed services, etc.

In addition, from the end user point of view (which is the most important), good practice guides are disseminated, such as the good use of electronic mail, the latest news about phishing attacks, the responsible use of devices among many others.

Cybersecurity, as we previously remarked, is a fundamental pillar in companies today and, therefore, having an IT Department that helps the company in this new digital era, especially in cybersecurity, is paramount.